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My interest in music started about a decade ago when I enrolled in a 6-year music academy and received education and training in music theory, singing and playing piano. I later picked up several instruments, and landed on drums for the last few years. I still, however, play piano whenever I get the chance to.


I am currently working with Peter Schaldenbrand and Yizhou He on using Long Short-Term Memory recurrent neural networks to generate electronic dance music and other music styles from midi data. You can follow the development on Github


In January 2018, Zhiyao Li, Scott Alexander and Sarah Penfield, and I won the most creative song at  CMU's Hack-a-Song, for writing, recording, and performing at CMU's Cohon University Center, a space-themed song in one day. 


Here's something I recorded in summer 2014. Music originally by Darkest Era.



Throughout my time in Glasgow, I was co-founder and drummer for glam metal band Eazy Access. Songs were written and lots of fun was had, but not much was properly recorded. 


We keep some demos in our bandcamp:



Our extremely talented co-lead guitarist Colin Pender also recoreded these songs post-disbandment (on my 22nd birthday :-) ). They're available below:

If you're looking for what I've been recently listening to, check out my page , here's a word cloud of my most listened-to artists, according to courtesy of



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